Were to begin?
The other day, ( I lose track out here!) we went to Mal Pais for a canopy tour on zip wires. The longest was half a km long and on another you didn't have to worry about breaking. So I hung upside down, no handed and took a photo. =] Afterwards we found out that Mal Pais translated to bad lands!

The days here seem to disapear! You could surf in the morning, lounge through the midday heat, do yoga or spanish in the afternoon. Surf or body surf in the evening and the days gone!
I really like the way things are done here. Yesterday we went to a local school to look after the children during their beach lesson. (How cool is that!) We don't need CRB checks, no need for million pound insurance cover! At karate I'm covered for £5,000,000 worth of damage! Thet also sprayed the lodge for Dengo fever, a day time malarie that is only temorary. The fumes are non toxic but understandably they asked up to stand around the pool while they sprayed. In the appartment someone wounldn't out as their room mate had trouble sleeping and she didn't want to wake her. Did they have to call the police to remove them from the room? Did they delay the spray until they came out willingly? No they went ahead and srayed anyway. Think of how much health and safety we'd need here. We'd probably need to be a mile from the property and all need to sign disclaimers! Also, yesterday they brought a fridge back for the owners kitchen. They live at the top of the hill with a LOT of steps. So 5 of the employees, Dad, Nico and me used rope to carry it there. In return we got a free beer, or coke in my case.
On Thursday we shed out hire boards and got shiney new ones. I wanted a second hand one but none suited what George and Sam had in mind. So after some quick calculations I realised that the new board would cost me £280. A good £100-150 cheaper than in the UK. I also realised I've been paid by work and have done overtime. Also as its 7' I can sell my current 7' board which is a perfect beginners board and in tourist season will fetch a pretty penny! Also after riding it in the lesson and catching 4 nice waves I know its better than my old board!
I've also solved the E150 charge for bringing boards home. I'm taking Priddy's board as he's travelling until August so its only E75 each now. Still cheaper then a board in the UK!
Rie will find this interesting, tonight I'm cooking a chille for 12 of us. Hopefully it will go down well.
I'm loving this place. Have I said that yet? =]
The photo has to be the sexiest face you have EVER pulled :P
ReplyDeleteYou have no idea how hard it is to pull off that photo! :P