I knew we had to walk today and after spending loads of time at Camp 1 I figured it obviously wouldn't be a long walk. 3 hours, a mere stroll in terms of yesterday, helped by the fact it was cooler today.

Camp 1 was a clearing in the jungle and had buildings, however, Camp 2 was much better. The only cover was a palm leaf shelter to sleep under. The tabel was sticks laid next to each other and tree's interupt our camp regularaly. Its brilliant!
Our guide found a tarantula, which in their Mayan language, Xinca, is called an "Am". It was put on Ben's leg and wouldn't let go of his jeans until our guide picked it up by a leg. He said it wouldn't bite us unless we bothered it, whilst
flicking it!
I get scared just looking at the picture of that spider!!! IT'S HUGE!