We got into a tiny plane which only had 4 rows. It was a short journey, but I was fascinated by the terrain. Guatemala City was surrounded by mountainous hills. That is to say, hills that have a mountainous quality to them. It is built on flat ground, however, punctuating it in places are valleys without rivers, very random. Due to the hills, when you take off the city is blanketed by low lying cloud. As we progress north east, other area's, low lying enough, have their own cloud cover. Then it became flat with a barrier of hills between the rest and the plain, it almost looked man-made. When I say it was flat, it was compared to the hills before it, but really it looked level with bobbles on covering it, like an enlarged piece of sand-paper.
When we got to Flores it was beautiful, surrounding a lake.
Landing, the airport is tiny, very rural. I'm instantly in love. We leave the plane and walk across the airstrip, whilst another plane parks. The departure lounge is one room. There is no passport control as only national flights land here. So no grumpy men to meet us!
Baggage collection is a small ring conveyor belt leading outside. It could fit in a room in my house. They might as well have driven the suitcases in and let us get them ourselves.
To me this opitimises travel!
Our hotel is surrounded by more expensive ones, but we're only here for 2 nights so I really don't care.
The entire country reminds me of Turkey so far. They even have a similar viaduct over the road.
By 8am the heat is already proving itself. The sun is very strong and the air is very humid, any more so and I may as well be in the lake! I've just realised Emma would not enjoy this so far! =P
My only problem is I've already read 4/10 books and the journey home is 15 hours. Although its overnight so I may be able to sleep.
I'm looking forward to me shower and shave tonight.
This opitomises your travel, life and world ethic :D Sounds like you loved it xxxx