We spent 6 hours in the park today. We entered it at 6am, when it opened and made our way to temple 5. At the top you have a severe sense of vertigo. It's just so steep and so far down!
Dad and I made you way to temple 4 about 8:30. Temple 4 is the largest in the Tikal complex and faces east in worship to the Sun. Some people had paid extra money for a sunrise tour at temple 4. We knew something they didn't! The sun may rise at 6, however, due to the mist you can't see it till 9ish when the mist drifts away. So they saw nothing! Due to chance, luck or fate we had settled down just as the mist started to clear and temple 5 appeared above the tree line. Accompanying this was a collective gasp of awe. Minutes later temples 1 and 2 loomed out, followed by one off to the far right, who's name eludes me.
Two spider monkeys swung by on the edge of the clearing, unfortunately I didn't have my camera ready. That was basically all you could see through the mist. This, however, proved to be my fortune. As I left Dad up the temple I wandered off to find complex C, I ended up in the Grand plaza, although I didn't realise this. The ruins had a great effect, looming out of the mist. The tops only just visible. It really added to the majesty of the Mayan stone work. I made my way around the ruins and climbed one next to temple 1 and , both of them ominous in the fog. At the top my leg gave way, making it a long and painful climb back down!
Without the mist it got a lot hotter, quickly!
When we got back to the hotel we had another shower, simply because we could. Then with clean clothes (Even socks!) we waited for or lift back to Flores.
You can really tell how enchanted you are by the whole experience. It's really great to hear it. xxxx