Tuesday, 11 May 2010
09/03/10 - San Jose Airport
Despite it feeling really late it was still early enough to go to Pizza Tomate for a dessert! Chocolate cake with ice cream, sooooo good! Once we'd got back up to the Funky Monkey we realised the Oscars were still on and we had timed it so we got to see the final 3 awards.
Monday was a sad day, everyone packing, last surfs and saying goodbye to Sante Teresa.
We'd started the trip as 11. Russel left after the road trip, 10. Dad left a week later, 9. And Nico's travels meant he stayed in Sante Teresa so Monday afternoon found us 8.
We caught the local bus, leaving at 2 getting to the airport for 9.
The next morning Alex left during breakfast, 7.
Jackie left before 11, 6.
Elliot left at 12, 5.
We went to Jalepeno's for a lunch and at 1:30 Sam Millar left us, 4
Our next destination was Goodlight book shop, were we spent an hour browsing through books and generally chatting and chilling. I left at 3. 3
Sam flies to Panama tomorrow morning, 2.
Erin's bus takes her to Puerto Viejo, 1.
Frankie goes to America before heading to Bolivia.
0. Until we meet again.
07/03/10 - Bet you'll never guess where I am!
04/03/10 - Funky Monkey
27/02/10 - Kitchen of Funky Monkey
First off. Last night was messy! We got invited to a party in a hotel near is and as the only way not to fall asleep at 9 is to drink we got a drinking game going.
Ring of fire with basic international drinking rules. Ring of fire is played by shuffling a pack of cards and placing them in a circle around a pint glass. Each number has its own rule:
- Ace; Waterfall, the person picks a direction. Everyone starts drinking at the same time and can only stop when the person next to them does, however, they don't have to!
- 2; Question time, ask anyone a question they have to ask someone else one. No-one answers the questions, whoever breaks the chain drinks.
- 3; If its black you have to drink 3 fingers width of your drink, if its red you nominate someone else to.
- 4; Last person to have both hands on the floor drinks.
- 5; Chicks, all the girls drink.
- 6;Dicks, all the guys drink.
- 7; Bust a move, last person to stand up and be dancing drinks.
- 8; This person becomes thumb master.
- 9; Bust a rhyme, clockwise you each say a sentence that rhymes with the last, break the chain and you drink.
- 10; You make a rule up.
- J; Whack the jack, down your drink.
- Q; The person to your left downs their drink.
- K; The first three kings fill a third of the pint glass with their drink. The fourth has to down it.
The only other rule is if you break the circle you down your drink.
Alex got to make a rule and he settled on "If your name is Sam you get double punishments." Therefore, when Same got his 10 he said "Every time someone drinks Alex has to join them." I thought that was fair justice!
I was drinking vodka topped up with lemon flavoured water. This morning I worked out I drunk a 365 ml bottle of vodka which is 14 shots. No wonder I couldn't stand still!
I remember putting my top on to go out and the next thing was giving my invitation to the lady so I could go into the party. Apparently we walked for a little bit then got a free taxi up the hill to the hotel.
I decided to leave as its hard to have a good time when you can hardly walk! At this point I discovered how long and steep the hill is! Walking down it drunk inevitably I fell over a fair bit.
This morning we had a 10:30 surf lesson and when I woke up I was still drunk! Although a tiring surf as we had drills to do I caught 4 of my best ever waves, even managed a little cut back on one.
We found out about the earthquake and tsunami and got kinda excited. Despite being 5 minutes from the sea we're up a big hill. On a good note it didn't hit as we were on the beach and it would have destroyed the main street. On a bad note, not only did it not hit but there was no sign of it so we saw nothing.
Monday, 10 May 2010
26/02/10 - Funky Monkey (Suprise suprise!)
As soon as we got to the island we headed out to the first spot. After a bit of faffing around with flippers and masks we were ready. It was truly amazing. I really hope my pictures come out and the videos for that matter! Sam does a bit of spear fishing so when I had trouble diving he was able to help. Apparently you have to make your ears pop on the pressure which gets quite painful.
Back at Tortuga we had lunch, which was fantastic! Rice, Potato and Marlin in a sauce and if that wasn't enough, for dessert, Melon, Pineapple and Watermelon.
After that all settled down we hit the volleyball court. Priddy, Nico and I against Sam, Alex and a local. Thanks to some great serving from yours truly we won 11-9.
Once we reached the second spot we were told reef sharks had been seen here before. I figured I'd been mauled by one animal this trip so I was safe! My camera ran out of battery half way through so annoyingly I didn't get the est footage. Our guide caught a puffer fish which obviously puffed up and was floating!
On our way back a call went out from another boat that humped back wales were around. We got within 20ft of them. So truly amazing! A mother and her calf!
24/2/10 - Funky Monkey - Again
Right now Erin, Frankie and me are having a Disney singing session. Emma would be proud!